About Frensham Pond Sailing Club

Frensham Pond Sailing Club has over 1000 members who have a common interest of sailing in the lovely setting of Frensham Great Pond, situated on the Surrey/Hampshire between Farnham and Hindhead.

Key strengths of the Club are:

  • Racing - One-design and Handicap racing

  • Sailability - over 130 members with disabilities or long term health problems

  • Youth Race Coaching - BYS Recognised centre with fleets of Cadets, RS Teras, RS Fevas and ILCAs

  • RYA Recognised Trainng Centre - teaching beginners and improvers.

Organised racing takes place every weekend throughout the year as well as on Wednesday evenings in the summer. If racing does not appeal the Pond is also open for cruising every day.

A Brief History

Frensham Great Pond was created in the Middle Ages by damming Whitmore Vale Stream at the west end of the Pond. The Bishop of Winchester stocked the Pond with fish which transferred alive in barrels to local monasteries to provide Friday lunch.

Paintings from the 18th century show boats sailing on the Pond, and in the period between the world wars sailing boats were hired out by the local hotel. During WW2 the Pond was drained to stop the Luftwaffe using it as a navigational waypoint. With peace the water returned and local residents used a dozen sailing craft for impromptu racing.

Frensham Pond Sailing Club was formed in February 1953, occuping around half an acre leased from the hotel. The 'clubhouse' was a repurposed corrugated iron cow shed which served as the men’s changing room and somewhere to brew tea on a primus stove. The ladies changing room was a smaller shed. Racing began that April with 10 boats in a handicap fleet with no two boats alike. These races, held in the gusty conditions Frensham is well known for, were often chaotic with broken masts, collisions and only a sketchy knowledge of the rules.

One-design racing classes were introducd with National Twelves, Fireflies, GP14's and Graduates predominating. The Cadet was adopted for youth sailing and has foremd the backbone of the Club’s youth sailing ever since. Today Frensham has the largest Cadet fleet in the UK - 35 boats / 70 young sailors. The Club also staged open meetings - a bold decision for a club based on a grass field, a makeshift hut, and the local pub. Planned with meticulous attention to detail, the Club’s reputation for high standards and good racing grew with each event.

By 1964 the Club occupied just over 2 acres of land and ownership of that passed to the local council, with the Club granted a sixty year lease for the existing grounds and use of the Pond for sailing and boating. A new Clubhouse was opened in April 1965. Since that time there has been a steady improvement to facilities with extensions to the main building, provision of a bar, the opening of new changing rooms in November 1989, and the addition of accessible facilities for Sailability.

Over the years one-design classes have come and gone, with large fleets of OKs, Enterprises, Larks, Solos, Phantoms, Lasers/ILCAs, RS 200s, and RS Teras. In the late 1990s the International 2.4 metre keelboat was introduced through Sailability. As the single-handed Paralympic class it soon attracted a big following of both disabled and able bodied sailors. Frensham boasts the largest and most competitive fleet in the UK.

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Training is an important part of Club life. The Club became an RYA Recognised Training Centre in 1984 and formal training programmes are provided by the Club's RYA-qualified instructors on a voluntary basis. Individual classes also arrange their own popular training sessions. Taster sailing is available on Saturday mornings during the summer months for anyone over eight years of age.

Sailing for people with disabilities started at Frensham in 1982, run by Farnham and District Sports Association for the Disabled (FDSAD). Following a £325,000 fundraising and site investment programme, Frensham Pond Sailability, a partnership between the Club and FDSAD, was officially launched on 22 September 2001 by Lord Wakeham. Frensham Pond Sailability can now provide disabled sailors with a wide range of small boat sailing, from cruising in traditional Wayfarers to fully competitive racing in Paralympic class 2.4mR mini-keelboats.

  • Rob Anstey


  • Kate Whyatt


  • John Barton

    Rear Commodore